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Future Talks

7:30 pm Monday September 16th, 2024
Waste and Recycling
Trish Bailey


On behalf of and with support from Hampshire County Council Waste and Resource Management Team, a volunteer Community Champion is joining us to discuss waste prevention. We will explore the waste hierarchy and how, although it is beneficial, recycling is a form of waste management and comes below waste prevention in the hierarchy. There are more beneficial actions that can be taken such as reuse and repair. We will learn about how waste is managed in Hampshire and the materials that are currently recycled. We will also consider the importance of waste minimisation relating to food and textile waste, including tips to do this.

7:30 pm Monday October 21st, 2024
Celestial Navigation
John Barfoot


On land and close to the shore, the use of maps and charts created from landmarks, are used by humans when navigating from one place to another. Animals, birds and fish etc. have their own mysterious methods. 
At sea, out of sight of land, other methods have been developed including celestial navigation. Until the various electronic navigation methods took over this was the main way for navigators to cross the oceans of the world. Celestial navigation has gradually evolved and today, the modern Sextant plus an accurate time source is the usual method and is still in use.
John Barfoot’s working life was as a Research and Development Engineer mostly in marine radar systems. He was also a Shore based RYA instructor including Navigation and Radar. He has sailed on small seagoing boats since 1975 and has been a member and a Fellow of The Royal Institute of Navigation since the 1980s. 

7:30 pm Monday November 18th, 2024
Good and Bad fungi: and emerging diseases
Professor E.B. Gareth Jones

Wild Mushrooms

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